My physics teacher graciously gave me a box of old ICs/Passives from the 70s and 80s that were in a closet at my school. I've found most of the datasheets for the ICs; most of them were 7400 Logic chips and a couple of RS-232 Line Drivers. But I cannot find the datasheet or even description of this chip:
Markings are as follows(and are Vertically Printed), the package is a 14 Pin DIP:
I assume the "7211" is the date of manufacture, 1972, work week 11. But at first glance when I saw the 69H30, I thought it could be a microprocessor, as in the 6800 family but this chip is from well before the 6800s came into production, so could it be a 4-Bit MPU instead of an 8-Bit or what?