I apologize for the sound quality of the video. However, I've heard many people complain about crowdfunding campaigns that had high video budgets, the general attitude is "If you can afford to have such a snazzy video, why should I give you money?"
my attitude is, that if you don't care enough about your own project (which is the impression I get from your video), why should I (or anyone) part with good money for a
chance to get a ride (provided the winner pays the travel expenses I assume), when I can rent a Ferrari for a couple of weeks at less expense, or just fund my own projects - I may be oldfashioned, but when I part with money, I expect a return
Making a good video just takes a little care and attention to detail, a PC and a cam and you could probably get some media students to help for food/drink/whatever if you need it, either with how to do it, or doing it entirely.
There's nothing "snazzy" about a noise free video - nobody said that you need intro-/outro texts flying off the screen, topless dancers, odd angles, or similar, just sharp footage and whatever info in an intelligible voice.
Talk is cheap, especilly when hidden in the noise floor
so perhaps add something more substantial, like engineering specs, design drawings or something along that line.
And if you feel an urge to splash bits of music here and there, soft classical music gradually faded in/out gives a much more calm and composed impression.
We're a very small start-up with very few resources, please do not confuse that as a lack of professionalism or passion.
I'm sure you are passionate about it, since you're taking the time to do it at all. Your professionalism I can only judge from what I see (i.e. the video), which isn't very convincing - I have seen eight-year old kids make better footage with a cheap cam and an outdated PC as their only resource.
Please reply or contact me with any other concerns you may have. Thanks.
I don't have a single concern, I was merely trying to tip you off about how to get more people interrested in your project, but if you prefer the look and feel of your present video, then so be it, no skin of my back. I just don't see how you dare hoping to be able to raise that amount of money with such poor bait.