Author Topic: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software  (Read 5882 times)

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Offline ZirokTopic starter

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Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« on: June 12, 2010, 03:43:59 AM »

If i want a robot to do the following  -

             Operation - Create multiple copies of software on PC

             Procedure -
                  Increase blank CD => Start CD Burning (by clicking mouse) => Insert dongle in USB Opening on PC=> Wait for a predetermined time  => Remove the CD from CD ROM => Remove Dongle => Pack CD & Dongle in a Bag => Operation End & Restart.

Note -
   1. Dongle is like a pen drive which is been used in conjunction with CD for burning the software onto CD. Dongle ensures that the software will be impossible to crack software.

Is it Possible to do such thing by robot & what would be its estimate ?

Why a Robot for the above operation -

        As you know piracy is a impossible to stop right from the root level. So, bigger software compaines hire faithful people to create multiple copies of software under vigilance of CCTV CAMERA.
       The problem is that no software company owner can rely on a human to safeguard company's intellectual property. A single crack can cause thousand & crores of loss to the company.
      So creating such type of robot will secure protection of Intellectual property & avoid heavy monetary losses.


Offline little-c

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2010, 03:12:45 PM »
easy as pie. pc doesn't move, cd and dongle have fixed shapes, meaning grippers can be made specific to the task.
could even cue it from the pc, as part of the software writting process.

feeder stacks of cd's and dongles, can be droped into a bag and sealed.

commercial build, 5-10 thousand per unit for a few units. cost decreasing as number of units goes up. ah the advantages of cheep chinese labour.

as a self build, you could probably hash one from a lego set, cheep ebay stuff and scrap. depends on the quality you want.

just a couple of words of warning, one, NOTHING is impossible to crack, if there is a solution, someone can find it. second, the robot only ensures that nothing interferes with its operation. nothing else. security cannot be ignored cause a robot is doing the copying.

so, its possible. now do you want to build it or get someone else to build it?

Offline ZirokTopic starter

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2010, 09:25:25 PM »
Hi Great

   Well to be frank i have to get it build. We are still into stage of developement of software & will be lauching in a month or two.

   As My software company is a One man army, I would look after marketing, accounting, collection & just everything.
I cannot rely on human to create multiple copies of software. If i do so, my future will be CRASHED & DESTROYED Forever.

  So, the idea of ROBOT FITMENT to create multiple copies got into my mind.

What would be the cost ( In US Dollars ) ?
What would be the delievery Time ?



Offline Razor Concepts

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2010, 09:34:05 PM »
Personally if you spend that much time trying to protect your product, you wont have enough time to make the product successful. Unless your device is super revolutionary or something, chances are people wont crack it since it isnt desirable. Also, you will be unable to protect it, since anyone who buys the product can just take that software and distribute it. Even Microsoft cant protect their products, you can torrent the entie microsoft office 2007 suite in a few minutes (taken from installation CDs)

Offline ZirokTopic starter

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 03:28:23 AM »

   I really acknowledge your comment & accept that anything is crackable.

But the IDEA is -

  See, there are 2 stages -

1. Software Lauch

2. Software Crack

        Between these 2 phases, you can snatch the desiny. As the product is new & audience will cling to it & the demand requirment will be very very HIGH. So, during this period you have to achieve prompt & high delievery schedules. So, the robot will do wonders for me in this period.

      As i am a human, i cannot do everything during this period, right from product awareness, to collect money, penetrate in market & many more things, ROBOT will be my partner in Bussiness.. ;D

I hope my intentions are clear.

Offline little-c

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2010, 09:02:22 AM »
I'll pm you an email address, in which you can send a better discription of required output, write time(estimates are fine, its just how quick kit has to move), exact dimensions of dongles, budget, et al. I can look at exactly what is required.

from a security issue, I don't see how a robot will help with cracked software. however, a good set up brings significant advantages in terms of production cost and speed. I can guess at what can be done, but until I know what needs to be done, its pure speculation.

 I would guess five thousand USD/unit. servos will generate horrible increments in cost. and shipping will be a serrious cost. I somehow don't see the finished unit sitting nicely in a little box. oh, and the fact that you need a computer to each unit.

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2010, 01:22:27 PM »
I really haven't seen a software that hasn't been cracked... up to date...
It's literally impossible...

As soon as a software operates on a machine it's vulnerable...
Programs like soft ice and other hacking tools, can create an exact cracked copy, from just a running program...

The best way to protect your income, not your software, is support by registry...
And only if it's a tool, not a game...

The best way to protect your income, with your software being a game is only one...
Very very very good, official online gaming servers...

Protecting your software from being cracked, is impossible so far...
It's not easy to prove history wrong, is it?
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Offline SmAsH

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2010, 04:13:43 PM »
Call of duty modern warfare 2 hasn't been cracked yet. But i guess using steam is out of the question... Tricky is right though, there will always be a way for people to copy your software no matter what you do. If there was a way to stop it, don't you think microsoft would use it?

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2010, 04:17:05 PM »
Smash... what are you talking about.... I don't know about the multiplayer... but
I have finished the single player years before....
For whom the interrupts toll...

Offline Razor Concepts

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2010, 04:35:45 PM »
Call of duty modern warfare 2 hasn't been cracked yet.

Its been cracked since october of last year  ;D Just one month after release. Iphone had been jailbroken just one week after release. Software is impossible to protect  :)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2010, 04:37:43 PM by Razor Concepts »


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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2010, 06:01:46 PM »
Not to sound too sceptical BUT....

couldnt the same robot/ hardware be designed to automatically make illegal copies? instead of being sat at your pc all day waiting for 1 DVD to be burnt before you manually burn another, then just get the robot that has been designed to do it for you.

Your design might give the product a little longer before its cracked/ copied but when that product gets released it WILL be cracked as long as there is a demand. (what better way to make these illegal copies than to use the machine that can make the copies automatically)

Offline SmAsH

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2010, 06:24:08 PM »
Smash... what are you talking about.... I don't know about the multiplayer... but
I have finished the single player years before....
I meant multiplayer. If the product has to communicate with a server to be used, it might make it harder to crack, but still not impossible.

Offline ZirokTopic starter

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2010, 07:30:01 PM »

  Should i load software as a server & use "Software as a Service ( SAAS ) Concept" to avoid software piracy ? Does it stops piracy completely ?  ???

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  Also as you all are talking about piracy, i would like to mention about DONGLE ( Just like a Pen DRIVE ). So, while writing the software on CD, some of the source codes will be copied on dongle & some on PC. So, unless both are cracked, it is not possible to pirate it.

  As PC has a open architecture,  the source codes on PC can be cracked but not that of DONGLE.

Y dont you google down "DONGLE" to know much better about the CODE PORTING & ENCRYPTION mechanism used on dongles. ::)

Offline SmAsH

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2010, 07:40:47 PM »
Yes but one person who buys your software could copy the dongle and cd and simply use a usb emulator to run the code for the dongle and a cd emulator to run the cd code?

Offline madsci1016

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Re: Creating a Robot to create multiple copies of software
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2010, 09:52:55 PM »
I'm confused. Are you just wanting something to create CD copies for you?

Automated CD duplicators already exist, and have for a long time.

And using a 'USB key' to unlock software also has been around for a long time.

So what makes what you are trying to do any different?