Author Topic: My new robot  (Read 2305 times)

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My new robot
« on: November 24, 2009, 01:57:15 PM »
Hi guys from SoR!

My new robot is very cool(tough I'm am only on software and electronics now...)!
I designed it so he can see on which output a motor is connected, and whereever you put it, he will be able to figure out how to move! This is only one feature, I am using Neural Networks too, so he will be cool, you will be able to "train him" to accomplish more difficult tasks.


390ohm resistor x5...
Some diodes and wiring (zener, 4.7V diodes...)...
C programing language...
Some other stuff I can't remember right now... ;D

Any ideas would be very good!

Anyway I am 13 years old, my name is Yann, ad  me as a friend if you want...  ;D

