Author Topic: Wanting to get started with robotics, need help choosing board  (Read 1726 times)

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Offline OsnarfTopic starter

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I've never done anything with microcontrollers.  I was wondering what is a good board to get started with?

I was probably going to start out with just the basic 2 wheel robot that tries not to crash into the wall for starters, so I doubt that requires too much from the controller.  Eventually, though, I'd like to do much more involved projects, and if possible buy one board now that I could use for projects later on, too.  Cost is an issue, though.  I don't really want to break the bank on it so if it's not possible to get something I could use later on for relatively cheap then I'll just get a better board later and get something cheaper now. 

I wouldnt mind putting together a kit or assembling one from scratch if its cheaper that way, just point me towards a tutorial.

Also, I'm pretty good at C and trying to work on C++, so if I could program it in one of those two that would be ideal.  I used to know basic so I'm sure I could just brush up on that too if that was a better option.  Assembly could be fun too (I've dabbled in it on the CPU, dont know how much different it would be on a microcontroller).

Anyhow, thanks for reading.  Let me know what you think.

Offline waltr

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Re: Wanting to get started with robotics, need help choosing board
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 09:00:26 PM »
A start is the $50 robot found in the tutorials above (under the page title).
Also read through all the other tutorials and articles there.