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What about the Photoresistors, any ideas why it isn't quite working?Because if the servos aren't the problem, I honestly run out of idea as to why this thing won't chase light. I soldered the pphoto cells correctly as shown in the tutorial (even went ahead and did it twice for accuracy)Can this be an Atmega problem or programming/software problem. Or even a photoresistor problwm? The servos stop at 90
Hello!CyberJeffs' statement;I haven't built a $50 robot, nor will I.This is so true, and reflects the choice of the person in relation to the products provided.A lot of people would rather buy a Raspberry Pi for $35, a Parallax basic stamp for approx. $50 or less,or any number of ardinu processor products compared to the price of the Axon; not to mention theease of use for those products, plus the power and support.I have not programmed the Axon yet, because of my learning curve. So, why should you buy an Axon, when you have more power, cheaper, and support with the other products?The Axon board is a good design, and the processor line is a stable one. The Axon can do (I believe)a lot more functions when clever programming is applied. The software has a simulator and usesC++ language. The Axon is a gateway to the whole Atmel line of processors, and your softwarecan program them all, provided you have an STK600 to program them. I have found these processorsvirtually everywhere, which gives a lot of uses. The smaller MCU are dirt cheap, $.5 - $1, and arepretty powerfull for that size.Ultimately, it is up to the user to create the masterpiece of Ex-machina, and is up to the people in this forum to try to participate in the Axon robotic construction. Other products illustrate a lot of programming capabilities on their products; HOWEVER, it seems that they have half of the whole worldprogramming their products, and giving that software away FREE. That is a lot of competition, but doesnot diminish the potential power of the Axon, given the perspective I have indicated. What do you think?
I stumbled on this site because of the servo mod for continuous rotation. Best I have seen.When you troubleshoot a program you need to see what is happening with your variables. At the moment you don't know where the problem is, but if you knew what values were coming from the photocells after the A to D, you could see if they were behaving. Similarly you could see what the values were going to the servo.Typically you would sprinkle test points (and probably slow down the loop) and track what is going on. That is fairly simple to do with an Arduino when it is tethered to a computer. You open a serial connection through the USB and watch the data being printed out.That is exactly what I do when I am debugging a program. Debugging by guessing, is a lot like fixing a car by guessing and is why all cars now have diagnostics where you can read the various engine settings and codes.I would be willing to contribute to code for an Arduino version of the $50 robot, I won't be building one though.
I've tested and servo and sensors with the arduino ( The photo resistors read light and dark fine) still no luck. I'm starting to think the hex file for the robot isn't working for me. ......could the resistors attached to the photo resistors have anything to do with it? Help!