Author Topic: remotely piercing a co2 cartridge without using pyros or a nonsolid state motor  (Read 7339 times)

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Offline freelectronTopic starter

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im looking to pierce a co2 canister without using pyros or a conventional motor. the task is to occur underwater and the package needs to be very small and as simple as possible to avoid excessive maintenance and misfires. i have nailed it down to two methods. either pushing a sharp object into the canister via a peizo linear actuator or cocking a sharp object under tension of a large spring and releasing it through a mechanical trigger mechanism.

problem with the piezoactuator idea is they only travel 0.05mm max. and the spring idea is dangerous and could fire if knocked or dropped.

if any one has any other ideas id be happy to hear them. it doesnt look like this forum gets much action so il put this here and see what happens if not il just move on.