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Offline TrickyNekroTopic starter

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Samples opportunities
« on: June 04, 2008, 05:17:02 PM »
Hello to everyone!

I'm looking forward in completing a project to semi to full autonomous coaxial helicopter and I'm in a terrible need of samples.

I need a gyroscope and two accelerometers... evaluation boards cause I can not solder BGA and other packages that the single ICs are on....
What are my prospectives to receive samples from Analog devices or Melexis or Motorola...
These are a must for such an autonomous system...
What are my prospectives that some of guys there hear me here on this forum... I see very very little...
I have filled a form for student request on samples form analog many times but I had been replied only once...
They sent me the samples I requested but I could efficiently take advantage of them resulting on destroying the part :'(
I requested some other samples on accelerometers and analog gyros on evaluation boards that seemed to be in production but no answer yet
and it's been two weeks.....

I'm a little desperate cause I cannot even start the whole project without that parts...
Has anyone personal contact with such companies???
Can anyone offer me any samples on evaluation boards???
I'm so tight in money I got to spend all my pocket money on for some months for buying all parts needed for the project
and accelerometers tend to be very expensive... the most expensive part on the project...
And also if I'm to buy from a dealer I need to buy a reel and so on which makes the prices impossible for any student....

My big questions are:
Can anyone get me the parts anyone company, person, etc... I was just accepted in the University of my city and I want to
saw some work...
I offer a very detailed tutorial here in SoR with ATMEL microcontrollers only for the ICs provided as well as a honor mention of the supplier...
But anyone note I live in Greece...
Can anyone speak for me at any of these companies I told above at the sales department and such for getting the samples???
Analog Devices, Melexis or Freescale...
Can anyone in a University where ever in America or the rest of the world help me get the samples I want by contacting the companies above??? (sound unreal I know...)
Can anyone suggest other ways of getting the samples??? whatever.......

I mention again I have NO money to buy that things... I'm running extra low on money...
Any help is welcomed....

Thanks in advance...
Eleftherios Prov.
For whom the interrupts toll...