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guns kill people...people die......
I wonder, why do those robot cos so much to develop? $3M is a lot for a remote control machine. I am pretty sure any decent engineer could build one of those with similar capabilities but 100x cheaper($30k) or less. Actually there is even a topic in this forum wih a video that shows an autonomous very efficient paint ball gun robot built by a hobbist.
The issue is, you can't take a cheap robot like that and throw it through a window, or have it fall down a set of stairs, and expect it to continue running. The robots we build in the "garage" are nowhere near robust enough for use in the real world, by people who treat them as just another machine. Also, any robot with a weapon has to be even more robust, because you can't have the weapon firing by accident under any circumstances, including getting damaged by other weapons, getting pushed into a ditch full of water, and any other number of bad things that would utterly destroy a "hobby-level" robot, and produce completely unknown results.- Jon
Quoteguns kill people...people die...... stupid people handle guns stupidlypeople die......SMART people handle gunsit saves's a fun sport...... Let's get back on topic shall we?