Author Topic: HV Shielding for wheeled robot  (Read 1765 times)

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Offline stefanbTopic starter

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HV Shielding for wheeled robot
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:18:58 AM »

I am doing an university project that consists in building a robot that operates in a AC to DC convertor. The robot has to work under HV environment. I am looking at possibilities of shielding the electronics of this robot. Can you give me any suggestions or links to look at? Also, will ultrasonic sensors work in such an environment. I could not find any evidence that shows that this is not possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you!!

Many thanks!!!

Offline jwatte

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Re: HV Shielding for wheeled robot
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2013, 12:58:08 PM »
Assuming you don't get electric interference, both infrared and ultrasonic sensors should work even though there is a high voltage potential in the air.
Although, if you're building something intended for such an environment, I'd hope that you already had a thorough knowledge of the environment, or involved a professional who does.
Can you build the robot as a Faraday cage, say out of metal wire mesh?

Offline stefanbTopic starter

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Re: HV Shielding for wheeled robot
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 05:53:11 AM »

Thanks for the reply! I am using the NI starter kit. I have shielded the motherboard with conductive material cases and plan to use a grill type screen for the sensors. I am not sure about the motors. I assume that they are shielded. They are PITSCO 12V DC motors.

Otherwise, I plan to build a casing to cover all the robot (as you said a Faraday cage). The problem is that I also have a ZIgBee module with antenna that needs casing. The antenna apparently works under HV environment. I use the ZigBee to control the robot wirelessly.


