Society of Robots - Robot Forum

General Misc => Misc => Topic started by: Toktik on February 28, 2010, 12:44:05 PM

Title: Robotics Social Network
Post by: Toktik on February 28, 2010, 12:44:05 PM
Hi all :)

I'm new to this forum, I like tutorials, they written clearly and good :) Thank you for tutorials :)

I'm web programmer. I have experience on building social networks, so I want to start building robotics social network. So. How actual will be Robotics Social Network? I really need your opinion :)
Title: Re: Robotics Social Network
Post by: Asellith on March 01, 2010, 09:32:55 AM
first Check out ( for some good ideas and some things to AVOID. They have some serious issues when it comes to their design software and sharing of circuits.

I think its a good idea. Not the next facebook but there might be a market for it.

Here is what I would like to see:
1. A tutorial link system. Not host them just link to them. So I can post a list of tutorials I right or have used for others to see.
2. A way to share circuits and code. Maye even a snippet library to help sharing code
3. A way to find local people with similar interests.
4. A group function to allow people to form groups based on interests or location
5. Robot galleries to show off in.

Probably a hundred other things as well but the big thing for me is to work on functionality instead of adding features. If its got a ton of features and a ton of bugs then you end up like Great idea they just have poor execution.
Title: Re: Robotics Social Network
Post by: gallamine on March 15, 2010, 03:23:13 PM
I'm working on a similar site. It's called RobotBox - ( - and it's in beta right now. I'd love any feedback you might have. My goal is to make it a community website for robot builders to show off their projects and inspire other builders. Asellith you made some good points - several of your ideas should be in the next major revision to the site. But, you are right - functionality is key! I'm trying to be very deliberate about what I work on and not letting "feature creep" come in. I do really like your idea for code and circuit repository though.

Toktik - good luck with your endevours. Competition is always a good thing and I think there's plenty of room for lots of robot websites (because we have a great and growing hobby!)
Title: Re: Robotics Social Network
Post by: Toktik on March 26, 2010, 03:02:33 PM
Thank you for feedback, I'm working at this time on website.

gallamine, I'm too on drupal :)