Society of Robots - Robot Forum

Electronics => Electronics => Topic started by: Derme302 on May 15, 2010, 03:53:43 AM

Title: 10V or 16V Capacitors?
Post by: Derme302 on May 15, 2010, 03:53:43 AM

While buying parts for the $50 robot I came across a problem do I need the 10V capacitors or 16V. I ended up buying 10V (Of both the 0.1uf and 220uf) today, so can I use 10V or should I go back and get the 16V? Also if I can use the 10V will it cause me any trouble later?

Thanks for all your help, ;)
Title: Re: 10V or 16V Capacitors?
Post by: SmAsH on May 15, 2010, 04:03:38 AM
Nope, it will be fine as long as your source batteries aren't a higher voltage than 10v.
Title: Re: 10V or 16V Capacitors?
Post by: z.s.tar.gz on May 15, 2010, 06:42:25 AM
The voltage rating on capacitors refers to the maximum voltage they can take before they explode.
A general rule of thumb is to take the voltage you're going to be working with, double it, then buy capacitors based on that.
Title: Re: 10V or 16V Capacitors?
Post by: Derme302 on May 16, 2010, 04:51:14 AM
Thanks guys for your quick replies! ;)

I think I will go back and get double for future projects.

