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Mechanics and Construction => Mechanics and Construction => Topic started by: dmehling on December 14, 2015, 04:31:38 PM

Title: Carbon fiber advice for UAV looking design
Post by: dmehling on December 14, 2015, 04:31:38 PM
I am looking for some advice on using carbon fiber for a project.  It's not necessarily about robotics, but I really don't know where else to find answers.  My project is to build a holder for a tablet, but the design is remarkably similar to that of a UAV.  Basically take the popular UAV design that has a central section with six or eight arms extending outwards, and then imagine placing a tablet on top of it.  Then imagine that the central section is connected to the end of an articulating arm or is sitting on the top of a tripod head.  In this example, I need to know how to determine how strong the central structure needs to be to support the weight that it will be bearing, as well as the stress placed upon it in holding the extended arms in place.  The actual tablet will weigh 1.75 lbs.
Title: Re: Carbon fiber advice for UAV looking design
Post by: mklrobo on December 15, 2015, 05:59:22 AM
 ;D Hello!
Your request;
I am looking for some advice on using carbon fiber for a project. My project is to build a holder for a tablet, but the design is remarkably similar to that of a UAV. In this example, I need to know how to determine how strong the central structure needs to be to support the weight that it will be bearing, as well as the stress placed upon it in holding the extended arms in place.  The actual tablet will weigh 1.75 lbs
Definitely unique project. I would recommend using fiberglass, rather than carbon fiber.
Fiberglass is readily available, and the instructions on how to use such products can be found at the website
instructables. This would be easier, I think; but I have never used carbon fiber before, so I can not really advise you on that. It maybe worth a try to use carbon fiber, for the experience. Good luck!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Carbon fiber advice for UAV looking design
Post by: dford on February 12, 2016, 10:34:37 AM
Coming late to this thread you may have found the answer already.  You can work carbon fiber similarly to fiberglass.  It's more expensive and you use few layers but you still use the same resins (epoxy or polyester).  For best results you should make a mold to improve your exterior finish whereas with glass your probably going to paint it so a few flaws can be filled/sanded prior to paint.  The biggest issue with CF besides cost is the damage airborne particulates do to the lungs so wear respirator while cutting and sanding the material. 

Good luck! 
Title: Re: Carbon fiber advice for UAV looking design
Post by: Avadon77 on November 09, 2016, 04:54:38 AM
Carbon fiber and fiberglass will both work just as well for your project. You're not going to be shooting a missle at this thing or hitting a barrier. Carbon fiber clearly much tougher than fiberglass but either would work. I've laid up both and thin carbon fiber lays up just like fiberglass. Previous commentor is right, it is more expensive so most hobbyists tend to use smaller bits of it but it's readily available on ebay and amazon in various weights.

The trick with getting good carbon fiber results is to use a really good epoxy resin

I reccomend you buy C&J Epoxy resin.. the gold standard of epoxy resin to lay up fibgerglass and carbon fiber. Dries glass clear. Worth the money. You can even sandwich layers of fiberglass and carbon fiber or if you want to get really serious you can even do carbon fiber and kevlar. But if I were you'd i'd lay it up in laybers of fiberglass and some carbon to get the stiffness you want and thickness.

anyway those are my 2cents