Society of Robots - Robot Forum

General Misc => Robot Videos => Topic started by: fritsl on February 19, 2008, 10:11:06 AM

Title: My first real robot
Post by: fritsl on February 19, 2008, 10:11:06 AM
I had too much energy, I guess, and not a clue to all the things you can just buy, so I made up a LOT of this one myself :)

Now I know you can just buy a robot like this ;(

Actually my very first robot! (before this I did rip out the interior of an RC car, and made it turn automaticly.. All made wit Picaxe, quite easy.. If you have the time & energy ;)
Title: Re: Too much energy for building
Post by: Fredrik Andersson on February 19, 2008, 01:50:44 PM
Wow, that's a lot of salt!

Anyway, about the robot... OMG, that really is a lot of salt! I just can't let it go! :p

Oh, yeah, the robot. Sorry. I love the views you've filmed it. Makes it look huge. The robot is really neat. Do you have any documentation of it?
Title: Re: Too much energy for building
Post by: fritsl on February 19, 2008, 02:51:45 PM
Lol - lot of salt :D

.. Lol again!

It was only 1/2 USD pr package, and so I bought a full case, it was a brilliant for setting up fast test-tracks. My wife and I are still trying to comsume it, some 11 packs left, and it never gets too old!

The robot - well thank you so much for asking, never thought anyone would care, I am almost all alone over on - but that´s where the documentation is.

The robot´s main page is here:
How the electronics is made is actually just the same as here:
Only, it has Ultra Sonic vision, which is documented here:

What is left is how to cut plexi-glass, which I have written about here:
.. and then what´s left is only how to make a belt-track.. I am working on that (but it is not really anything worth talking about, but still).. I am now making a robot that drives around and plays "music" on stuff it "sees" (stumpin on it, hitting things in rythms) - and it is on belts!

There´s an answer!

And being so flattered for your interest, I would actually do a complete documentation for you, dump the code and everything if you should considering asking ;)


Title: Code made for stealing ;)
Post by: fritsl on March 09, 2008, 01:09:42 PM
I have cleaned up the code, and made a simple walkthrough out of it - it is on

- And should be very easy to translate to other microcontrollers, it is pretty basic (in all it's ingenuity ;)
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: superchiku on March 11, 2008, 09:02:58 AM
cooll one can u tell me wat is the use of that flashing light u have used
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: fritsl on March 11, 2008, 03:36:47 PM
I am not quite sure I understand your question?
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: ed1380 on March 11, 2008, 05:40:21 PM
front left of robot. some little light with blue wire to it.

but cool robot never the less
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: HDL_CinC_Dragon on March 11, 2008, 09:08:28 PM
I like it :) It looks very very well built and programmed :) and that IS a lot of salt! lol!
I want my next robot to be tracked. I liked the sonar unit on the front. Makes the whole think look very robust and professional... great work :) And yes, documentation necessary ;)
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: fritsl on March 12, 2008, 02:49:24 AM
front left of robot. some little light with blue wire to it.

Er.. well. That is a so called LED.. :) A red one! It is placed in a "crome-housing" that you can get where they sell LED´s, and then it is put on a piece of folded metal (the kind that holds cables to walls in house-hold electricity installations), that is then attaxhed to a mini-servo. I took some blue wire, and rolled around a screwdriver to make it curley :)

Here and there in the code, the robot´s head is pointed somewhere, and something is triggered (like there is a new object or, or last known free space or something) and then a line is just inserted in the code that makes the mini-servo turn that direction.

It looks very very well built and programmed :)
I want my next robot to be tracked.
And yes, documentation necessary ;)

"Well built".. well.. a lot of time thrown in. It is basicly just my 2-hour robot
and then I had so much energy to go into details. Like it has a tilt-detection system that makes it back off if a tilt is close etc.

Tracks are COOL - but be aware that they come at a cost: speed. And you should also be aware that your tracks are going to skid all the time. The original tracks on mine was of rubber, and it did not perform very well; They stuck too well. So I added duct tape to give a worse grip, and it REALLy improved performance; Belt tracks is one loong slide.

Documentation?? Well - I really do not know what more to documentate.. as described above, it is the same as my 2-hour robot-project.. It is just a standard Picaxe 28 board with servos and motors on it. And I have also made a cleaned up version of the code. Anyone with the materials at hand should be able to reproduce this robot in hours.

Please tell me what precisely I should document better, and I will do so, I have really done my best to get around it all on
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: superchiku on March 12, 2008, 03:34:39 AM
cool one u made i hope my bot would start working it has god a strange probelm in pwm ,

when it is tested with only the mcu in the breadboard , i get exactly same values of pwm but when used in the bot one is lower than the other i dont know why this is happening can u help
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: fritsl on March 12, 2008, 04:42:00 AM
cool one u made i hope my bot would start working it has god a strange probelm in pwm ,

when it is tested with only the mcu in the breadboard , i get exactly same values of pwm but when used in the bot one is lower than the other i dont know why this is happening can u help

I have no honest clue to what you are on about, sorry. "MCU"? "Multipoint Control Unit"? Can you be more specific? What Microsontroller are you using? Perhaps contact me some other way, this may be off topic for this post ;)

Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: superchiku on March 12, 2008, 07:05:16 AM
hey mcu means microcontroller unit and how can i contact u
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: fritsl on March 12, 2008, 11:59:01 AM
You can contact everyone in here just by clicking at the IM-icon to the left.

You can also allways contact me and read my documentation on

I will do my best to help.
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: superchiku on March 12, 2008, 02:15:52 PM
well its a  strange problem look for my question in the electronics section about strange pwm problem and see if u can tell the problem
Title: Re: My first real robot
Post by: fritsl on March 12, 2008, 03:11:22 PM
Arh, sorry - if you cannot even contact me, or send me a link but have me search for your post, I think you are better off solving the problem yourself. Hope you understand.

Please do not use this thread any more for this, thanks and best of luck.
