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General Misc => Robot Videos => Topic started by: aludra_55 on June 05, 2009, 12:45:53 PM

Title: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: aludra_55 on June 05, 2009, 12:45:53 PM
I'm not sure if this works.. still a newbie at this...

Well, I did try pasting a picture and video but didn't work...  just go to the link below... (
Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: jakx12 on June 05, 2009, 12:51:27 PM
is that yours?! It looks pretty cool :P
Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: aludra_55 on June 05, 2009, 01:00:44 PM
thanks...  i did a balancing robot too...  =)

what microcontroller are u using?... i started out about a year ago with Basic Stamp II...

either tonight or tomorrow I'll try flying it... i just finished connecting the stuff last night and
I didn't want to fly it inside the house at 2am in the moring...  =)

Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: jakx12 on June 05, 2009, 01:34:47 PM
I use a BX-24 micro controller. Iv done a balancing robot aswell. It looks really professional so well done. Please post videos and pictures of it flying, id love to see how it goes!
Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: aludra_55 on June 05, 2009, 02:51:59 PM
thanks... i'll take more zoomed pics and more vids...

the ardupilot board has Atmega 328 processing at about 16Hz...  it's super easy to move from
one microcontroller to the Arduino...  I moved to Arduino because it has more PWM for servos
and way more ADC pins for converting analog voltage... not only that, it's super cheap too...
the ardupilot board that I used costs $24 from Sparkfun... I also bought an arduino pro and
arduino pro mini at around $18 each...  the boards are super small it's great for uav projects...
when i'm done, I think I will post a tutorial on how to make it from scratch including the coding
and theory behind it...  is BX24 in Basic language?...  I'm more familiar with Basic than C but it's
so easy to transfer from Basic to Arduino C language... 

Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: jakx12 on June 06, 2009, 01:55:05 AM
it uses the BASICX language, which is pretty much similar and brilliant to use. Is it really that easy changing to arduino?
Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: aludra_55 on June 06, 2009, 10:31:02 AM
Basic is really easy...  but Arduino is pretty easy too...  I started out with Basic Stamp II,
after the small learning curve for getting used to the pin configurations and how to hook it
up to my computer, it went well..  however, I encountered problems with simple mathematics...
I know it's kinda ridiculous but it's true...  I was not able to do simple arithmetic with negative
numbers.. as a result I have to do a workaround it manipulating the "bits" itself!..  then
controlling servos is a pain because you have to tell the chip to send high and low pulses and
you have to know the whole mathematics for it...  so I end up writing a huge chunk of code
just to tell the robot to move in any directions...  with Arduino it's just a matter of telling the
servos what angle to move!.. that is one line of code!   

on regular programming (to tell you the truth), I don't really notice the difference between
Arduino language and Basic...  you still have to declare your function as usual and in Arduino
you have to start and end your subroutine in brackets... 

plus Arduino has a huge following and everybody's pretty much familiar with the platform so people in forums could specifically help you with codes...  i think you could also insert assembly language and C++ codes in your program...  the code for the AludrACopter is a mixture of C++ and regular arduino... it's awesome...   

oh yeah, one more thing, with Basic Stamp II, I need an development board which is about 3 by 2.5 inches wide and it's kinda heavy...  with the arduino pro mini, it has about the surface area of a postage stamp and about 2mm thick!...  that's a huge difference...  did I mention arduino costs me about $20?... that's just awesome...  you could attach your micro into your project permanently without feeling bad that you just lost a $60-$100 device...
Title: Re: Ardupilot + 5-DOF IMU + AludrA = AludrACopter?
Post by: jakx12 on June 06, 2009, 12:37:51 PM
i suppose lol