I purchased an Axon microcontroller off of SOR a few months ago. I am using it for a school project. Last night the robot started acting strange, and today it will not program. I receive the following error:
| BOOTLOADER, Target: V2.1 |
COM dev : /dev/ttyUSB0
Baudrate : 115200
Program : Axon.hex
Waiting for device... Press CTRL+C to exit. \
Bootloader : V2.1
Target : 1E9608 Device not in "devices.txt"
Buffer : 7168 Bytes
Size available: 64512 Bytes
CRC enabled and OK.
Reading Axon.hex... File read.
Highest address in hex file: 0x07883 (30851 Bytes)
Writing program memory...
Programming "Axon.hex": 00000 - 01C00 failed. Did not receive CONTINUE despite more data to write. Got 0x000D (13)
I am using Ubuntu 9.10, but I can use windows if I must. PLEASE HELP!!! We have a competition next week, and the robot is broken right now. Thanks in advance!