Author Topic: how do you work with pcis  (Read 8768 times)

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how do you work with pcis
« on: August 22, 2006, 09:49:36 AM »
how do you programme pics.
suppose a robot has to move along a pre prorammed track and this track has to be specified by using a language, say c. how do you programme the robot. if the robot has to move with differential drive and we have to make it move at a 45 or 60 degree angle with its current position we will have to see the specifics of the wheel (radius etc). how do we send all this information to the robot. how do you connect a robot to the computer?.

i know i have asked too many questions but i don't know what to do. as you guys may have realized it is my first time.

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Re: how do you work with pcis
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 12:36:34 PM »
Hi the easiest way to control your turning angle is with timed delays( have the pic drive your relays while doing useless addition loops for a set amount of time) while this is very inaccurate it might work if it is a constant track and it has to turn a specific angle. The other way wich would probably requere a separate pic is to use a second pic that counts tics from an optical encoder or reed switch.
To "send all this information" you usualy have relays with their coils attached to the pic.
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Re: how do you work with pcis
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 12:25:45 PM »
Servos have some level of feedback control. This should explain how to do what you want with servos:

Basically all you do is program the pic to turn on/off the digital I/O pins - each pin connected to an actuator in some way. And you do it for some tweaked set of time like sdk32285 mentioned.

What you should do is google for source code with the PIC you plan to use.