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That's a great idea! But how am I going to get the word out/who wants custom robots/I'm just starting how am I gonna come up with a nice outer case if they want it because I don't have a vacuum pump thingy?And I am planning on making my little brother's "RC" car wireless. He's 8, and as such, doesn't have much moola...How much should I charge him?
Someday, I am going to try to build a vacuum/sweeping/mopping robot in one that is better than the Roomba.
Someday, I am going to try to build a vacuum/sweeping/mopping robot in one that is better than the Roomb
I mean Roomba gets the job done , how would you improve on that
You should also let it mow the lawn. But make it so the master doesn't have to plant wires around the yard: Do some sort of grass sensor.
Another advantage to specialized robots is if one blows up or breaks down or something, the whole house routine (in theory) fall apart until it gets replaced or fixed.