Is your outline set already, or are you still flexible?
if not, here are ideas . . .
Write about what a robot is and what a robot isnt. No two people really agree on what makes a robot. For example, some say battlebots arent actually robots because they are just remote control cars with weapons. Others say your washing machine is a robot because it has autonomous microcontroller intelligence. Still others say it has to be capable of doing battle with Arnold Schwarzenegger . . . Your paper can debate this, perhaps . . .
or . . .
Write about what makes a commercially successful robot - why some robot companies fail when others succeed. For example, some robot toys and iRobot vacuum cleaners have been very successful, while Asimo and Qrio have been failures (in terms of profit, not features).
The reason why I mention these ideas is that your paper isnt really research, but more of just a history report. If you pose a question/theory to the reader, and try to influence the reader to your conclusion, this would be research.