Thanks Hawaii00000 & Soeren! Thanks for all the great information!
Soeren: I'm not looking at GB of RAM/TB of HD space for my coding. I'm pretty efficient with my code (studied it for 4 years
soft eng) so I'm looking for something with the power to deal with all the functionality that I want to put in the robot. What I mean by that is the raw power to read inputs
None the less I didn't know the Pico-ITX existed
. But now my main concern is interfacing motors and sensors with it. Since the Pico-ITX are just tiny PCs they don't seems to help me with interfacing with the sensors/motors might as well get a standard MC and bluetooth with my laptop rather than going though the trouble of getting modules to interface with the Pico-ITX. I haven't done much research on the Pico yet but from what I read it seems to be almost like just having another PC on board.
If you have more information on interfacing with the sensors/motors directly to it (not really sure of the USB sensor/motors available)
Hawaii00000: Yes I've looked over the bluetooth controller robot that the admin posted. As for the second part did you mean RoboRealm? If so I've looked into it, I'm most likely going to be using that or OpenCV to handle image processing. As for the the SBC I've been looking at, it is the RoBoard.
The main thing is that I'm planing to use all the parts that I gather in my final project. Although, I'm looking into a RC style robot first, the main objectives of my current project is to first develop a hyper fast line follower (to learn about how to efficiently control the MC/SBC) then to move onto a Pool Playing Robot (which I've named PPL... even though I haven't started it yet
This is what I've concluded. Please let me know if this is a good choice on my part. And I will list reasons why I've chosen to go with this option.
RoBoard + wifi... then in the near future add Axon.
RoBoard: Hyper Fast (1000MHz processor), can use analog sensors, has built in h-board, use RoBoard to handle sensor/motor processing/controls and use laptop to processes images over a wifi enabled cam
Addition of Axon: Split control of motor and sensors. Have Axon do all the computation regarding calculating positions and moving the motors/servos while RoBoard handles all the sensor including webcam (webcam if it is able to handle it). The reason being from what I gather the Axon should be slower than the RoBoard. Am I correct assuming this?
What do you all think? Is this a good option?
The only problem I see (Hawaii00000) is that I was reading over the manual for RoBoard and it seems to only list 5 analog sensors I can use. I'm not sure if they just listed it as a suggestion or if I can only use those sensors.
Thanks again!!