Squirrels have fuzzy tails.
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Dear Robotics Team Member,You are invited to participate in the third annual Autonomous Robot SpeedwayCompetition (ARSC) competition, which will be held on the University ofMaryland College Park campus on Saturday, October 16, 2010. The event issponsored by the Washington, DC/Northern Virginia Chapter of the Instituteof Electrical and Electronic Engineers Robotics and Automation Society(IEEE-RAS) and Maryland's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering(ECE).The competition website is located at: http://www.ece.umd.edu/arscTeams can register online here:https://eceumd.wufoo.com/forms/autonomous-robotic-speedway-competition/The competition will be held on campus outside in the lot next to theComputer Science Instructional Center (CSIC) Building. Each team’sautonomous robot will race around an array of traffic cones organized in anelliptical shape.The robots' autonomous navigation will be comprised of obstacle avoidance,dead reckoning, telemetry, onboard sensor processing, computer vision, anddealing with uncertainty in environmental conditions such as uneven lightingconditions, uneven surface, and unevenly spaced cones. This systemsengineering exercise provides students with an opportunity to practice anintegrated, interdisciplinary approach to solving problems and optimizingperformance.Registration is free. Students can register online at:https://eceumd.wufoo.com/forms/autonomous-robotic-speedway-competition/We hope to see you and your team on Saturday, October 16.To read the article about last year's event, please click here:http://www.ece.umd.edu/news/news_story.php?id=4501Best regards,Jess Molina