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/* READ COMPASS ANGLE FROM THE PARALLAX HM55B DIGITAL COMPASS WITH THE POLOLU BABY ORANGUTAN 328P MAJORITY OF PROGRAM LOGIC: [email protected] WHO WROTE IT FOR THE ARDUINIO MODIFIED TO RUN ON THE BABY O BY ME: [email protected] SEE THE flash_angle() FUNCTION FOR AN EXPLANATION OF HOW THE RED USER LED FLASHES THE CURRENT ANGLE REFERENCES: -- compass documentation,ProductName -- product page -- killo's Arduino version -- general orangutan help -- Baby O user's guide*/#define F_CPU 20000000UL // Baby Orangutan frequency (20MHz)#include <math.h> #include <avr/io.h>#include <util/delay.h> // uses F_CPU to achieve us and ms delays#include <pololu/orangutan.h>#include <stdlib.h>// data connections://// BABY O PINS <==> HM55B PINS// // PB0:IO_B0 <==> #4:CLK// PB1:IO_B1 <==> #5/Enable// PB2:IO_B2 <==> #1:Dout,#2:Din// orangutan library defines used://// for set_digital_output(), LOW, HIGH// for set_digital_input() -- PULL_UP_ENABLED - enable pull-up resistorfloat compass_angle = 999; // global variable available for other modules use// for calibration: print out the compass 16-segment compass template at// line up north with a pocket compass and tape the template to a table// this compass outputs negative angles for all westerly directions (180..359 -> -180..-1)// so label the template as follows:// 180(-180), 202.5(-157.5), 225(-135), 247.5(-112.5), 270(-90), 292.5(-67.5), 315(-45), 337.5(-22.5)// set the Baby O powered HM55B in position facing south on compass template// set calibrate_mode below to 1, then build and run this program// you will now determine the compass reading and offset for each of 16 angles:// starting with 180 degrees, read and write down the template angle, the compass reading// and the offset. Repeat for all 16 angles. The offset for the reading will be a + or -// number added to the reading to match the template angle-- eg. for a template angle of -90,// where the reading is -115, the offset would be 25 -- -90 = -115 + 25// now set calibrate_mode to 1 and complete the procedure above.//// Next, enter these values in the raw[] and offsets[] arrays in the corrected() function below// the raw[] array is filled left to right, in negative to positive angles order// the arrays are linked by their indices -- eg. offsets[2] goes with raw[2]// in addition to the 16 values you just entered in each array above, you must do the following:// add -180 at the beginning and 180 at the end of the raw[] array declaration;// eg. => int raw[18] = {-180, ...(your 16 values)..., 180}; // you must also add corresponding offset values for these to the offsets[] array// which can easily be calculated with any spreadsheet program as follows:// the offset for for -180 degrees...// col A: template angle; col B: reading; col c: offset// A1: 157.5, B1: (reading for 157.5), C1: (offset) // B2: -180, C2: =(B2-B1)*(C3-C1)/(B3-B1)+C1// A3: -180, B3: (reading for -180), C3: (offset)// // the offset for for 180 degrees...same as above but change B2 to 180//// so if offset for -180 is -4.2 and -23 for 180, then your offsets array declaration would look as follows// eg. => int offsets[18] = {-4.2, ...(your 16 offsets)..., -23};// // once your arrays are complete you may reset calibrate_mode to 0 below// and rebuild and test your completed program which should more accurately// display the compass angles int calibrate_mode = 0; //0 = use linear interpolation tables; 1 = flash raw angle values for calibration//// FUNCTIONSvoid delayms( uint16_t millis ){ while(millis) { _delay_ms(1); millis--; }}void ShiftOut(int Value, int BitsCount){ for(int i = BitsCount; i >= 0; i--) { set_digital_output(IO_B0, HIGH); if ((Value & 1 << i) == ( 1 << i)) set_digital_output(IO_B2, HIGH); // 1 else set_digital_output(IO_B2, LOW); // 0 set_digital_output(IO_B0, LOW); delayMicroseconds(1); }}int ShiftIn(int BitsCount){ int ShiftIn_result, i; ShiftIn_result = 0; set_digital_input(IO_B2, PULL_UP_ENABLED); for(i = BitsCount; i >= 0; i--) { set_digital_output(IO_B0, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(1); if (is_digital_input_high(IO_B2)) ShiftIn_result = (ShiftIn_result << 1) + 1; else ShiftIn_result = (ShiftIn_result << 1) + 0; set_digital_output(IO_B0, LOW); delayMicroseconds(1); } if ((ShiftIn_result & 1 << 11) == 1 << 11) ShiftIn_result = (0B11111000 << 8) | ShiftIn_result; return ShiftIn_result;}void setup(){ set_digital_output(IO_B1, HIGH); // not enabled initially set_digital_output(IO_B0, LOW); // clock is low initially}void HM55B_Reset(){ set_digital_output(IO_B1, LOW); ShiftOut(0B0000, 3); // send nibble of zeros set_digital_output(IO_B1, HIGH);}void HM55B_StartMeasurementCommand(){ set_digital_output(IO_B1, LOW); ShiftOut(0B1000, 3);}int HM55B_ReadCommand(){ int result = 0; set_digital_output(IO_B1, HIGH); set_digital_output(IO_B1, LOW); ShiftOut(0B1100, 3); result = ShiftIn(3); return result;}float get_compass_angle(){ float X_Data = 0, Y_Data = 0, angle = 0; // initialize to avoid compiler warning int HM55B_result; // status flag HM55B_StartMeasurementCommand(); // necessary!! delayms(40); // the data is 40ms later ready HM55B_result = HM55B_ReadCommand(); while(HM55B_result != 0B1100) HM55B_result = HM55B_ReadCommand(); // poll until ready status X_Data = ShiftIn(11); // Field strength in X Y_Data = ShiftIn(11); // and Y direction set_digital_output(IO_B1, HIGH); // ok deselect chip angle = 180 * (atan2(-1 * Y_Data , X_Data) / M_PI); return(angle);} // I added the next 2 modules to use the red LED to aid reading and calibrating the compass// If you don't need them, delete them and flash_angle() and delayms() references from main()void flash_digit_value(int digit){ // flash LED 'digit value' times for each digit in angle int counter; if(digit==0) digit = 10; // special case for 0 for(counter=1;counter<=digit;counter++) { set_digital_output(IO_D1, HIGH); // LED on delayms(200); set_digital_output(IO_D1, LOW); // LED off delayms(200); } delayms(1000); // indicates end of digit}void flash_angle(float angle){ // LED flashes indicate angle in degrees 0..359 by default // 1 flash -> 1, 2 flashes -> 2, .. 9 flashes -> 9, BUT 10 flashes -> 0 (special case) // ex. angle = 037 degrees -> 10 flashes + pause + 3 flashes + pause + 7 flashes + pause // ex. angle = -037 degrees (same as above but followed by 1 flash for - sign) // (readings repeat every 6 seconds) int ones, tens, hundreds; int uangle = abs(angle); hundreds = (int)(uangle/100); tens = (int)((uangle - hundreds*100)/10); ones = uangle - tens*10 - hundreds*100; flash_digit_value(hundreds); flash_digit_value(tens); flash_digit_value(ones); if(angle<0) flash_digit_value(1); // indicate negative angle}float adjusted(float myangle){ // adjust raw angle reading by adding an offset // these are values from my testing, yours will be different // 16 offsets are determined by comparing template angles with HM55B readings; the first and last offsets // are determined by linear interpolation // { -180, ... your 16 readings here ..., 180); float raw[18] = { -180,-175, -152, -137,-126,-115,-106,-99, -89, 9, 68, 90, 100,111, 125,141, 164, 180}; float offsets[18] ={ -4.98, -5, -5.5, 2,13.5, 25,38.5, 54, 66.5,-9,-45.5,-45,-32.5,-21,-12.5, -6,-6.5,-5.83}; // {-4.98, ..., -5.83} these two values computed with spreadsheet int index = 0; float offset; for(index=17;index>0;index--) if(myangle>=raw[index-1]) break; // do linear interpolation... offset = (myangle-raw[index-1])*(offsets[index]-offsets[index-1])/(raw[index]-raw[index-1])+offsets[index-1]; if(calibrate_mode) return(myangle); // return raw angle for calibration else return(myangle+offset<0?myangle+offset+360:myangle+offset); // return calibrated angle 000..359}int main(){ int reading; while(1) { compass_angle = 0; for(reading=1;reading<=100;reading++) //get 100 readings, then average... { setup(); HM55B_Reset(); compass_angle += get_compass_angle(); } compass_angle /= 100; // now lookup the angle in the lookup table... compass_angle = adjusted(compass_angle); flash_angle(compass_angle); delayms(2000); // pause before next reading } return 0;}
float raw[18] = {-196, -175, -152, -137, -126, -115, -106, -99, -89, 9, 68, 90, 100, 111, 125, 141, 164, 185}; float offsets[18] ={-6.5, -5, -5.5, 2, 13.5, 25, 38.5, 54, 66.5, -9, -45.5, -45, -32.5, -21, -12.5, -6, -6.5, -5};
// 0riginal 16 calibration readings: -154, -120, -101, -89, -78, -64, -40, -2, 41, 66, 80, 91, 101, 112, 129, 158. // raw[0] = raw[16] - 360; // raw[17] = raw[1] + 360; float raw[18] = {-202, -154, -120, -101, -89, -78, -64, -40, -2, 41, 66, 80, 91, 101, 112, 129, 158, 206}; // Original offsets: -3.5, -15, -11.5, -1, 10.5, 19, 17.5, 2, -18.5, -21, -12.5, -1, 11.5, 23, 28.5, 22. // offsets[0] = offsets[16]; // offsets[17] = offsets[1]; float offsets[18] = {22, -3.5, -15, -11.5, -1, 10.5, 19, 17.5, 2, -18.5, -21, -12.5, -1, 11.5, 23, 28.5, 22, -3.5};