Hi guys,
I have a question unrelated to robotic, but before asking it on a electronic forum and being abused, I'll ask it here
I'm sure some of you will be knowledgeable and kind enough to answer me.
Here is the issue: I recently bought a new TV and would like to plug it to my audio system. The issue is that my stereo system is crappy and does not have an auxiliary input. The only input I have on it is a "music port" (3.5mm mini jack) which is supposed to be connected to a potable music player. I bought the necessary cables/adapters to connect the audio output of my TV to it, but I have a very annoying "saturation" effect. Whenever the sound is too loud, I hear glitches
I'm not familiar with audio electronics, but my understanding is that the amplitude of the signal from the TV is too big (lowering the volume on the stereo system doesn't change anything)
My idea is to build device that would go between the TV and the stereo system to reduce the amplitude of the signal, i.e. an amplifier with a gain < 0dB.
Does it makes sense? if it does, what would you suggest as a circuit for a simple amplifier with negative adjustable gain?
Thanks in advance,