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got a link for Kinect ?
Dude, seriously. For a robot to move around doing something useful there are 2 things we have problems with: localisation and visual recognition. I think the first might be easier if the latter would be developed enough. No matter how advanced is you AI, if your blind and lost in space you can't accomplish much. Well, you can talk to people, bring comfort this way, but can you go to the kitchen and bring an apple to an elderly person that sits in bed all day? So, we are a bit stuck on hardware issues. Yes, there are ways to do it on the PC, either through a wireless link or with the PC on board running Robolab or MSRS, but it still doesn't work as we want to. Vision software isn't as advanced (if it is, is closed source and expensive) as needed. Can you work on that? can you find a solution that we ALL can use freely and easily? That would be a big help. AI is not on my list of priorities until the robot is able to know where he is and can locate and retrieve the object I tell him I want.