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Is it the U-shaped package that contains both the emitter and detector? If so, the pins are probably 5V, 0V, and signal. Use current limiting resistors. You can find out which is the emitter by viewing it through a digital camera...With 3 pins there are only 6 combinations to try.
ok so here is my problem. i've never used 3 pin phototransistors and each of these $1 mice i bought has 3 of them, all not numbered. is there any way i can rig these for obsticle detection or at least line following?
Hi,Quote from: blackbeard on April 14, 2011, 08:35:28 AMok so here is my problem. i've never used 3 pin phototransistors and each of these $1 mice i bought has 3 of them, all not numbered. is there any way i can rig these for obsticle detection or at least line following?Well, thats a definity... Maybe.Some 3 pin devices are regular photo transistors (i.e. emitter, collector and base), while others, particular in ball mice, is in fact two transistors in one housing (with one pin common). This will usually be the case if you see only one device on each side of the interrupter, as two are needed to give quadrature sensing.Remember they're targeted for low current close range applications.Unless you have several mice of the exact same build (sometimes the same model can have different parts), it probably isn't worth it, as buying the IR-LED's and -transistors you need won't be that expensive and then you get some with a full spec sheet, which will be easier to work with.That said, yes, you can probably get them to work to some degree.
my original plan was to use them for a home brew joystick like thing.
Hi,Quote from: blackbeard on April 16, 2011, 05:31:51 AMmy original plan was to use them for a home brew joystick like thing.Ahh, somehow I imagined a line sensor.In that case it may be worth it even if you only have a single mouse, if you just want two axis like the mouse.It will probably be a bit of a challenge to make the mechanical bits for a stick with interrupters for a two axis system though.
Hi,They are!I strip any ball mouse coming my way, or at least toss them in the old_ball_mouse_box for later dismantling
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