Author Topic: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot  (Read 3321 times)

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Offline SUTO the GTopic starter

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Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:27:36 PM »
I`m a to of a beginner to make my own augmented microcontroller and I want to buy a Arduino development board ( ATmega32U4 ARDUINO LEONARDO A000052).Here is the boards description

I was wondering if it can be programed as said in the tutorial with AVR Studio (without making major changes, can the uploaded code be used without problems ), and uploaded whit Pony Prog?

Offline newInRobotics

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 03:54:45 AM »

Arduino Leonardo uses ATmega32U4 microcontroller and $50 Robot tutorial code is for ATmega8 microcontroller, microcontroller pin layout and number of pins are different and some registers might be different as well, meaning that You will have to change code Yourself in order to use required ports. Datasheets of both microcontrollers are Your best friends.

ATmega32U4 datasheet -->
ATmega8 datasheet -->

Edit: Thanks for correcting me billhowl.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 07:20:46 AM by newInRobotics »
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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 07:02:23 AM »
Arduino Leonardo uses ATmega32U4 microcontroller
ATmega32U4 datasheet -->
ATmega32 is not the same as ATmega32U4 which is also the USB controller and have difference pin configuration

Offline redloff

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 09:28:24 AM »
@SUTO the G, I encourage you to follow 50$ robot tutorial. Few months ago I was exactly in your place knowing nothing about electronics, and I can tell you it's very rewarding to make everything by yourself. The knowledge you'll get this way would definitely help you later, when you decide you want to use arduino, just to make subsequent projects faster.

If you really want to use arduino, then why leonardo instead of UNO?
Leonardo is more recent, but it has some differences compared to uno, like "Serial re-enumeration on reset" (see I remember seeing some extra pieces of code in arduino examples (specifically for leonardo) that would wait for serial port to be ready. I can imagine a case when you download some piece of code that does not take leonardo into consideration, and it would behave slightly different, but again those are just my conclusions - you'll most likely have no issues at all, I'm just curious why did you choose leonardo instead of more common UNO which is dedicated for beginners.

Arduino has it's own programming interface software called.... "arduino" :) and it's really nice and easy to setup and use. On YT you can find tutorials, by Jeremy Bloom, on how to install and use it. It is really well explained and documented. Example programms are available within the arduino GUI and can be uploaded with just one click of the button.

You can also make your own arduino on a breadboard, but I think this is even more expensive (including the price of necessary programmer and rs232 board) than original arduino :)
In case you were interested, here is the instruction I have successfully followed:

Offline SUTO the GTopic starter

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2013, 10:40:40 AM »
So the only thing that I have to do is change the code? I can use AVR Studio4 and PonyProg2000? And another thing can I use Polymer Lithium Ion 2200mA 7.4v instead the prescribed battery pack, is it compatible whit the HS-311 Servo and my Arduino Leonard Dev. board?

Offline jwatte

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2013, 11:51:18 AM »
You *could* use AVR Studio and any programmer that can program an AVR microcontroller. But, as fewer hobbyists use that setup, you'll get less help from online that way. (The best place to look is probably
The LiPo is fine for the board. I don't know about the HS311 -- the voltage seems a little high for that servo. It will probably "work" but the servo is going to run warm, and may eventually die from being pushed too hard. A 2 Ohm 5 Watt resistor between the + of the battery and the power (center) line of the servo will likely make that better (dropping 7.4V to 5.4V at 1A draw, which is probably in the ballpark.)
A better option is to use an "UBEC" to drop the LiPo voltage to the 5V the servo wants. An UBEC is just a switching DC DC converter, with servo cables soldered on and packaged for hobby use.

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2013, 12:50:06 PM »
@redloff The thing is that I don`t have time to do my own board. I choose Leonardo because on the site that I looked there wasn`t Uno, now that you said I looked around an another site, and found the Uno. I think I will choose that one instead if it is more suitable for beginners. Thx

Offline redloff

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2013, 04:10:44 AM »
I believe it is.
UNO (version r3) also has the status of reference model, which means that it will be supported by the arduino creators and community for a long time, which includes up to date libraries, shield compatibility and so on.

Also try the arduino programming environment instead of avr studio, I think you might like it better:

If you don't know how to start just watch the first tutorial of the series I've recommended you earlier.
Good luck!

Offline SUTO the GTopic starter

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Re: Choosing Development Board for 50$ robot
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2013, 08:36:09 AM »
I have checked out the Arduino Uno in more detail, and found out that it doesn`t have enough pins for Gnd and Power, (I don`t  want to solder or wrap wires around and stuff like that )so I decided to choose Iteaduino, it has extra pins just like the 50$ robot board and Axon. I hope that it will be compatible! Tell me if I am wrong!
@jwatte instead of using UBCE I thought of using NiMH Turnigy 6 V/ 2300 mA Flat. Is it OK?
So I am going to have: 3  HS-311 Servos
                                    1  Iteaduino Dev. Board
                                    1 Sharp IR RangeFinder
                                    1 5 NiMH Turnigy 6 V/ 2300 mA Flat Battery Pack (for Servos)
                                    1 Polymer Lithium Ion 2200mA 7.4v Battery Pack (for Board)
What do you guys say can I order them? or will I have trouble with them? I mean can they be simply be put together without problems?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 01:14:43 PM by SUTO the G »

