Author Topic: [contest] Actobotics™ Video Contest : over $300 in prizes!  (Read 3084 times)

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[contest] Actobotics™ Video Contest : over $300 in prizes!
« on: August 01, 2013, 08:36:00 AM »

What is Actobotics™? Visit this link to learn about ServoCity's new line of Precision Building Components:

Video Contest Entry
If you would like to participate in our Actobotics™ video contest, please complete the steps below and fill out the form at this link (  Contest entries must be received by September 30, 2013 by 5 PM CST.  Videos submitted without this form will not be eligible to win.  Winners will be announced October 7, 2013.  Please check back on our website to see the list of winners.
1st place will receive $150 of free Actobotics parts - project featured in our Newsletter.
2nd place will receive $100 of free Actobotics parts - project listed in our Newsletter.
3rd place will receive $75 of free Actobotics parts - project listed in our Newsletter.

- Anyone can enter the contest.
- The project video entry must include the use of at least two Actobotics™ components.
- Multiple submissions are accepted, but additional projects must be entirely different than the previous entries. Each contestent is eligible for a maximum of one prize.
- Post your video online via YouTube, Vimeo, or Vine
- List the Actobotics™ parts used in the video description*
- Include hyper-links to the parts used
(*Actobotics™ parts are denoted on our site by the Actobotics™ logo at the top of the product page ex:
- Once your video is posted online, complete the form found here:
Make sure you do not use any copyrighted material.  Avoid profane language, violence, sex or personal attacks on people or organizations.
Get creative!  This is your opportunity to showcase your project for a chance to win lots of free parts - Good Luck!
If you have any questions about this contest, please e-mail
[email protected]

