Author Topic: Heres'a simulation of a dynamicaly balancing biped robot that I'm working on.  (Read 4111 times)

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Offline generalaiTopic starter

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I'm currently designing the controller software for a robot called the Autonomous Robot Mk 1, or AR-1.  The video linked below shows a MATLAB/Simmechanics simulation of the controller in action.  My intent is to build an open source machine as cheaply as possible, but with sophisticated behavior, like dynamic walking,  as demonstrated here. 

I just got the controller functioning as a proof of concept, so have a look and stay tuned for updates!

AR-1 Stable Walking

Offline mklrobo

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 8) Cool!
How is everything working out? I have been working on my own
walking robot too. I use 4 legs in close proximity; cuts down on
programming, and balance problems. ;D

Offline generalaiTopic starter

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Things are still where they were when I posted the video.  I have a controller proof of concept, but I'm working on recovery from disturbances, like small pushes or uneven terrain.  Once I have more progress there I'll begin implementing it in hardware. 

