After reading the material on this site, and elsewhere, I believe I have a conceptual framework to proceed with detailed planning to provide locomotion to a Raspberry Pi based robot (Pi-Bot) equipped DC motor driven wheels.
That said, I would appreciate feedback from forum members to confirm, correct, and refine the following conceptual framework to provide locomotion and skid steering control to the Pi-Bot:
RPi PWM → level shifter → L298 motor driver → DC motor
↑ ↓
PID feedback <--------------------------------< motor encoder
Based on my understanding of RPi PWM I do not believe it necessary to have a microcontroller between the RPi and the motor driver (L298).
My intent is to build-out the Bot slowly adding features, capabilities, support circuits, sensors, etc. after verifying the previous stages work properly.
With this in mind, I must take care to plan carefully for future build-out of the Pi-Bot so as not to do something in the early stages of the build-out that would require major rework to in order to meet the original design specs of the Pi-Bot.
Thank you for any feedback you may provide.