Author Topic: Evolution of the War-Machine  (Read 2680 times)

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Offline MurdochTopic starter

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Evolution of the War-Machine
« on: November 03, 2016, 04:46:28 AM »

HI guys I thought starting with a pic would gain your attention.
I have been working on an Iron-man armourning for awhile now.
Started with foam, then moved to pepakura resin and fibreglass. Both mediums didn't give me the results I was looking for. So naturally I moved to metal, aluminum actually. The pic is only for sake of reference, not at all what I plan to make as it is the Mk 42. My build is a redesigned War-Machine.
Standard armour is rigid with limited mobility. I have a plan to change that. I will build an endo skeletal frame that plates would attach to. Thus allowing me to replace damaged or even up grade parts as the armour evolves. Now some back ground on me prior to this adventure.
Average Joe married with a daughter, hard chrome electroplater by trade. Watch sports, movies ect.  ect. Absolutely no experience with anything like this. Either in the engineering, construction or programming. To be quite honest I am of a limited educational background. Since watching the first Iron-man, I was enamored by everything it stood for. Tech, design and so on. So the adventure began. In 4 years I have educated myself with metal, hammer forming and metal casting. I have dabbled in the arduino world. Hundreds of renders. I have mockup's of the abs, gloves and boots, all of which boast full mobility. I have also acquired quite a bit of tools for this. Now the trouble that I am having is my lack of knowledge in respects to the terminologies and reference names for parts that I need. I can't just go to the shop and ask for an elongated pivotal arm thingie with an eye hole. I have read the rules, and I have tried searching for myself and now I am asking you the community with direction. Is there a reference list or some kind of catalogue or anything that would get me the info I need. Thank-you all very much in adance. ..G.Murdoch
I'm building it, in a cave from a box of scrap.
What more do you want?

Offline gtabasso

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Re: Evolution of the War-Machine
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 11:58:48 AM »
That is amazing. What will you do with the armor after you build it? Have you thought of working with kids or sharing your work with them to inspire them? That would get every high-school kid I know excited!
Gina Tabasso
HGR Industrial Surplus

Offline MurdochTopic starter

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Re: Evolution of the War-Machine
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2016, 03:20:22 PM »
Once I build it. I thought of going to the Toronto comic on,  show it at the TorontoPropExpo. But I also thought of my old neighborhood, which in fact is the 2nd largest subsidized housing unit in Canada as I understand it. The school I had attended there I think would benefit a lot of kids by way of education and hardwork. We also have a hospital for sick kids, where my daughter will have surgery in a little over a week from now. A lot of prop-cosplay folks do that...GM
I'm building it, in a cave from a box of scrap.
What more do you want?

