Author Topic: 2nd Annual Robot Art Competition 2017  (Read 3155 times)

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2nd Annual Robot Art Competition 2017
« on: January 22, 2017, 01:02:47 PM »
Thought everyone might be interested in the 2nd Annual Robot Art Competition (, which features $100,000 in cash prizes. We're a nonprofit, and the contest is free to enter and open to any age. The goal is to challenge participants to produce something visually beautiful with robotics. It's ideal for robotic student projects involved in robotic planning and image processing, especially those who have an appreciation for art. Details, team signup, and last year's winners are at

Participants can use any robotic system to produce the artwork. While most teams are using existing robotic arms, the contest is open to custom hardware. Students can enter up to six paintings in each of the competition categories of "fully automated execution" and "manually (semi or tele-robotic) generated" art, where generally, there is little or no specialized software used to control the robot.

The deadline for artwork submission is April 15th. Let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks for your time,
RobotArt Team