I bet watsons deep mind doesnt have anything to do with what I want, if someone could convert rgb to 3d thats a HUGE gain, its not out yet.
Its rgb to a parallaxy type 3d effect, using a pattern memory starting from rgb only, maybe i havent quite got the symantics i need to do it.
I got my utube account deleted, so the video is not there anymore.
I actually have videos of another implementation that doesnt go as good as this one did, but thats going to change soon. (im going to get it working.)
Here, ill put it here but its not even as good as that war one, cause I couldnt quite get the factors right.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnFdMnBGweg <-in fact this one probably isnt working that well, but i might as well put it here.