I still like to build telerobotic robots and here are my latest versions.
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi0zyNfBMXA8SMBR8jWbhCJ7RWjkjBnN_If anyone have to many LEGO Mindstorms EV3 / NXT or arduino or raspberry pi laying around and want to have
robots in a room controlled from all over the world,
then I can explain how to set it up.
There are now, what I know, two telerobotic game projects.
One in Kiev/Ukraine but probably not active now.
https://www.isotopium.com/and one in Finland
https://www.surrogate.tv/If anyone know of any more please let me know.
Last week I got a solution to be able to control a robot with a phone on it to work on a 4G/5G phone and a 3G/4G/5G network.
I can put my robots anywhere in the world and log in from the other side of earth and remote control it.

Anyone want to drive around in Peru on a Inca site or any other place?
Let me know and I can send a robot there and we can log in and drive around there
Regards from Sweden