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set up a sandbox wiki, and also make it so people can vote for each idea so they appear at the top of the list, this way good ideas are viewed and developed more ofteni'd really love some help with a lot of my half-baked ideas
Quote from: frank26080115 on January 26, 2008, 06:05:52 PMset up a sandbox wiki, and also make it so people can vote for each idea so they appear at the top of the list, this way good ideas are viewed and developed more ofteni'd really love some help with a lot of my half-baked ideasi agree , but also some posts are good ideas and are just new posts , they would be at the bottom meaning there would always have to be people who "explore" through all those useless threads
You sort of have to be self-sufficient and willing to learn on your own, teach yourself, or you'll never get very far in robotics. You can't just rely on forums. You have to do most of the heavy lifting on your own or you'll never get very far in Robotics. This is learned from personal experience. Improving the quality of questions you ask by thinking though them before posting is definitely a skill that would benefit yourself in the long run. So I agree fully with Admin. We got to have better quality posts to the forum.
yes i often browse through the old topics and learn lots while im at it
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data2. Relevant equations3. The attempt at a solution
yes better quality is the best ,but i find that many of the the questions that people ask helps me learn about different sensors ,technologies, techniques.........even if i myself am the one answering it with a correct response , other members add on information which I had not known before