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But I found this which was also suggested in the tutorial. Please tell me that such a programmer can be used to program any microcontroller of the AVR family as many times as I need
Also for capacitors putting the wrong kind of voltage capacitors into the circuit can ruin it all?
I will also go get an RC car to hack it ... I guess that this will be the hardest part since I really don't know much about electronics and I am afraid I might not give the correct voltage to the DC motors.
Also how do you connect wires together? You solder them too?
I got an L239 IC since I did not want to implement an H-bridge myself with switches. Controlling the IC with the AVR microcontroller is possible since I studied the L239 schematic right? Even read some tutorials to use it but they were using another microcontroller. It does not matter, correct?
My cousin gave me a small "kit" which includes a small driller to drill holes into pc boards. Could I use this driller to drill holes in plastic and/or aluminium/metals or would it destroy the driler?
What can I say mate! Thank you is not enough, that schematic even though it has lots of stuff I don't understand with my current electronic skills it has a pretty detailed connection between Atmega8 and an L293 Hbridge. Thanks a lot, I will soon try to implement it
One more question though:Looking at the schematic above what should I give to the pins 8,16,1,9 of the L293 ? Just 9V to 8? and 5V to 16,1 and 9?
I made the whole circuit now soldered in the L293 IC socket and am about to make the last connections remaining , namely the ones between the micro and the L293 and the L293 and the motors. So after I get the answer to this last question I will be able to make the work/or not test. I need to take a photo of the pref board ... just to remember my first time :p (it has lots of black spots, burned wires e.t.c. and it screams of the word shortcircuit! )Since it is my first solder job I give me 80% of smoke arising ^_^
I tried to do it like you showed above but almost got my finger burned