Author Topic: New Motor Driver Product?  (Read 2017 times)

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Offline airman00Topic starter

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New Motor Driver Product?
« on: January 23, 2009, 04:19:18 PM »
I'm thinking of developing and perhaps selling a dual motor driver capable of supporting 4 amps on each motor.

Right now I'm thinking of basically making this : , but with two L298s on it.

Would it be cheaper / better to use one L298 and add MOSFETs or to just use two L298s hooked in parallel ?
Also, from my research it seems like my only competitors are Dimension Engineering Motor Drivers. Those are obviously better than what I want to make , but are also much more expensive. What do you guys think , would you buy one that costed between 30-50 US dollars?

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Offline want2learn

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Re: New Motor Driver Product?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2009, 11:56:11 PM »
I haven't used the L298 before and haven't looked at the datasheet, but according to solarbotics it's capable of outputting 4A on its own (probably with good heatsinking).
Why bother with the trouble of paralleling 2 chips or using it to drive mosfets. An H-bridge would do, would be just as easy to design and probably cheaper to build . Just make sure it's smokeless.

I'll leave the pricing part to others as I don't know the American market
The question that drives me hazy:

Am I, or the others crazy?