Author Topic: i need help with a robot im planning to build  (Read 4000 times)

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Offline ZacAttackTopic starter

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i need help with a robot im planning to build
« on: March 07, 2009, 08:31:12 AM »
Hi, im pretty new to robotics, the only thing ive made is a Boe Bot that cand detect objects with a ping sonar sensor on a 180 degrees servo, then "look around" to find the clearest path, but now i am going to be making a hexapod from scratch, well the joints and frame will be bought(to minamize a building flaw so it will be a good plat form for experimenting on), and i was planning on using the basic stamp II microcontroler. i have seen robots that use webcams for tracking motion, but coudl i do that with a microcontroler? Or if i needed to learn another programing language im willing to, so if anyone knows how to do this, or has any other ideas, please tell me! i need some help!

Offline jamort

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Re: i need help with a robot im planning to build
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 12:50:15 AM »
Computer vision is way beyond a microcontroller... What your intending to do you would need a computer running the robot... Also I think computer vision would be best implemented in C because it is a more complex language...
Were this is really your first(well second) robot I dont know if I'd do a hexapod because of the complicated walking sequence... In other wrds I'd go with wheels this time... One more question you intending on tracking motion but If your robots moving that will not come easy at all
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Offline ZacAttackTopic starter

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Re: i need help with a robot im planning to build
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 07:59:27 AM »
Thanks, i still think id like to do a hexapod just because if would be such a good acomplishment for me, and i really love hexapod(even though it would take so much longer for me), is their anyway i could get like a small harddrive o r something to enable me to have computer vision? i have no clue how id do that :(

Offline dellagd

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Re: i need help with a robot im planning to build
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 09:56:03 AM »
if you're going to do the hexapod, I think you should start with something a little simpler, like maybe getting the light-to-frequency converter and when it becomes too dark, it will turn on 2 LEDs as headlights. motion tracking will be hard and can cost over $100.
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Offline jamort

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Re: i need help with a robot im planning to build
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 11:29:54 AM »
your going to have to nhave a computer to run computer vision, wll I'm pretty sure theres no microcontroller that can run it(if I'm wrong correct me.... You can probably find a cheap netbook for about $150-250... Which could probably work better... I still dont see the reason you HAVE to build a hexapod... They can hardly turn for one....  I'n reality the hexapod is not just going to take longer but it will cost a lot more because more than likely youll have to restart... If you buy an already built base it would probably already have motors on it so there would be that... Then if you added computer vision to it it would delete another purpose of the hexapod which is the ability to flip(unless you found a way to put the computer vision in the same level as all the motors would be... It may sound like i' tryiung to tell you to give up.... I'm not I'm basically saying build something simpler then after learning a bit more as far as mechanics and what not go, for that hexapod
my english teacher once said, "dont talk about what you dont know in public...."

so I replied the truth, " Exactly why I dont ever talk about English."

