Author Topic: Forgot to center my servo's before modification....did I made a boo boo ?  (Read 2743 times)

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Offline MrWizardTopic starter

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Have some Hextronix HX5010 twin bearing servo's in today.. In my joy of receiving the servo's, I modified and forgot to center them first by placing two 2k2 resistors instead of the pot. Also removed the brake like in the tutorial.

Do I have to install the pots again ? Or is there another way to center them ?

I do not have a oscilator.


Offline galannthegreat

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Hook one up to an MCU and give it a 1.5ms pulse, that should give you the center.

Offline want2learn

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Because you are replacing the pot with resistors I don't really think you need to centre the servo first. The idea is to fool the servo into thinking it's not moving past the 90 degree mark (halfway).

I've never tried adding resistors after modifying for full rotation but willing to bet it will still work (only if you're replacing the pot with resistors though)
The question that drives me hazy:

Am I, or the others crazy?

Offline MrWizardTopic starter

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Because you are replacing the pot with resistors I don't really think you need to centre the servo first. The idea is to fool the servo into thinking it's not moving past the 90 degree mark (halfway).

I've never tried adding resistors after modifying for full rotation but willing to bet it will still work (only if you're replacing the pot with resistors though)

Yes I know the idea is to fool the servo. I modified it like some other tutorials about Futuba servo's. In this tutorial they also did not mention the centering of the servo's.
But as I am a newbie on modifying servo's and like to stick to the correct flow of modifying servo's.

Thanks for reply.


I will just go and experiment ... but if you have got more tips...please submit.

Offline SmAsH

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wait are you just soldering the resistors in its place? that would be much easier and you get a free pot. but make sure they're the exact resistance.

Offline MrWizardTopic starter

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wait are you just soldering the resistors in its place? that would be much easier and you get a free pot. but make sure they're the exact resistance.

Yes I used 2 * 2k2 resistors  to replace the pot.   This means 2 outsides holes  solder the 2k2 with a joint to the middle , both sides after the resistor.
The pot is for the effort to replace it. You are correct about the value of the resistance, they have to be within 1% accuracy.

I will place the link of this document later , also about the accuracy of servo's .

Offline MrWizardTopic starter

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wait are you just soldering the resistors in its place? that would be much easier and you get a free pot. but make sure they're the exact resistance.

The link to modifying a servo, it was (tutorial)  guru Airman00 who attended me on this methode:

Servo test on reliability and accuracy different brands and types: