Squirrels have fuzzy tails.
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[...] using 2 bc237 and 2 bc227 transistor. I need [...] peak current around 2A.
i noticed that i need to put resistor at the base of the transistors. How do i calculate the resistor value? If the resistor value is right, the the motor should turn when A and C is connected to the positive power supply while B and D is connected to the ground. Is that right?
what if my microcontroller provide voltage of 2.7v only? Do i need to amplify the voltage to 5v so the motor turns faster? Since there are 2 type of voltage sources-5v and 2.7v(from microcontroller). Which actually provide the voltage needed by my motor?
I just build a half-h-bridge(somehow i got problem with getting a full h-bridge), since my motor only needed one direction movement, i just test with it first.
I get an external 3v source to provide voltage for the base of transistors to test out the effects of different voltage. From my testing, i found out that the voltage depends more on the voltage input to the base. Applying higher voltage to this base would cause the motor to move faster. Is that correct? Btw, currently i am not using any resistor. Will add-on as long as i figure out what value to get for it.
Basically i need to take note of the Hfe graph and see the dc gain for my required current and calculate my required value.
Then get the 2.7v from my controller - 2.5v =0.2 , then divided it by my value to get the resistor value. However what if its not a darlington transistor. 2.7-5, wouldn't it be negative? Then i need to use pnp instead of npn?Just a random thought thou ^^
However i got 2 questions here. Do i need a voltage regulator?
Most linear voltage regulator i saw was 1A rated but my motor is actually running at 5v with no load draw of 0.28 and 2.4A(thats my question here) when full powered. Would this current value caused problem?
My microcontroller got internal clamping diode so do i need to use an optocoupler for my base connection since it has two difference voltage sources? If so,any value i need to take note when choosing 1? Will a 4N25 IC work?