I am trying to interface the Axon with Roborealm software (NOT the servo controller, but a more general serial interface).
I can connect just fine and I can send data to the Axon just fine, but it buffers all incoming data from the Axon until I disconnect then on reconnect, everything in the buffer gets dumped to the serial module in Roborealm.
My function is simply this:
I connect, nothing happens, I wait a few seconds, I disconnect, then I push reconnect, then like 10 lines of hi!<cr><lf> show up.
I asked at the Roborealm forums and they are looking into it, but I was wondering if anyone here had experience with serial communication, Roborealm and the Axon. It outputs just fine to Realterm (With the exact same flow control etc.), so it doesnt seem to be a hardware problem.