Hi, Thanks for your reply.
Yes, the motors are all identical.
This is the link to their specification.
http://www.eleparts.co.kr/epdf/others/ES-311DCGn.pdfI used two copper plates(700mm x 10mm, 0.2mm thickness). One for positive pole and the other for negative pole. I attached all the motor's positive wires to copper plate(+) and attached all the motor's negative wires to coper plate(-).
M(+) M(+) M(+) M(+) M(+) M(+)
-----I----------I------------I----------I-----------I----------I----- copper plate(+)
-----I----------I------------I----------I-----------I----------I----- copper plate(-)
M(-) M(-) M(-) M(-) M(-) M(-)
I guess I should call this a paralllel connection.
No, I don't think it is a good idea to supply 24V voltage to 6V motors, but I wanted to check for just a few seconds whether all the 15 motors are spinned or not.