Author Topic: a really cool 20 yr/old toy biped, TOMY TXR-002  (Read 5492 times)

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a really cool 20 yr/old toy biped, TOMY TXR-002
« on: September 11, 2009, 06:32:33 PM »
I only wish there was video . . .

The TXR-002 was a four channel, R/C controlled robot that was sold in Japan and the UK. It has a JR digital proportional multifunction radio, inside micro servos, controler, dual leg motors, transmitter and a receiver. Both arms are fully controlable, right arm has gripper claw, left arm has flood light and a air powered BB gun arm that shoots plastic BB's. It moves forwards, backwards, left and right and the upper body turns left, right, up and down.
TXR-002 by Tomy, Made in Japan

Offline SmAsH

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Re: a really cool 20 yr/old toy biped, TOMY TXR-002
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 06:50:26 PM »
imagine the hacking to be done! why do they not sell stuff like this anymore!
at a decent price of coarse ;D

