Buy an Axon, Axon II, or Axon Mote and build a great robot, while helping to support SoR.
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This is a great guide that will show you step by step how to build a robot and what components you need.
This is a location of all the software you'll need and how to use it/program.
This is where you can look to see if there is an enthusiast club near you that might be able to help in person.
not to discourage other people from answering . . .QuoteThis is a great guide that will show you step by step how to build a robot and what components you need.None exist at the moment, other than kits you can buy online. If you want a step-by-step, a kit is the best route. However, I am working on a free step-by-step robot tutorial for under $50, and should be done in a month I think . . .At the moment, the best documented robot I have is here: has designs, code, everything . . . but its not beginner friendly . . . and hence the new tutorial I am working on . . .QuoteThis is a location of all the software you'll need and how to use it/program.Too broad of a question . . . software very much depends on your chosen hardware . . . QuoteThis is where you can look to see if there is an enthusiast club near you that might be able to help in person.The best way is to go to google and type '[your area] robot club'Doing so for a random location, I found this:
Are there any inexpensive kits that you would recommend off the top of your head?
This one is pretty nice looking, although it's kind of expensive. Can I piece one together for cheaper?
its in C, but for PIC's. im going to use an AVR for this new tutorial. but the code will be very similar. all you need to concern yourself with is the file main.c - its highly commented and simplified for easy understanding.
I'm just the kind of guy who needs a starting point, a wealth of somewhat easy to understand information and a support base to go to so that I can ask questions. What do I do?
thanks for the replies, guys! I really appreciate that list of parts. I might just go that route, because I just have an itch to get started. I've been writing back and forth with the guys at Parallax to see about getting a Boebot, but I think that putting something together from different parts will be a better learning experience for me. Is that arudino board a decent quality component? I'd rather spend a little more cash on one if it meant I could use it more in the future. Also, is that USB I see? and what is that next to it in the picture? Does it require some kind of external power?As far as a robot club in my area, I live in Santa Rosa, CA. I know there are quite a few in San Francisco, but that's more than an hour from me so I wouldn't be able to go much.Let me know whatcha think about the board.