hi everybody!
well first i think a introduction is in order, my name is jack, im a teenager from the UK, and i love to build robots

i have a lot of experiance in "combat robots" and have entered many events with my antweights (0g-150g) featherweights(0kg-13.6kg) and my heavyweight (0kg-100kg). for those of you in the london area i hold robot events about 3 times a year, and although most of the activitys are for combat robots, we are looking ito line followers/maze solvers

i also like to build rc planes (iv got a combat wing and a petrol spitfire on the way atm) and combat boats (they fire metal bb's) in fact it was the how to guide on waterproofing servos that led me here! i have been a fan of palmisimo's (sp?) youtube account for a while and have learnd lots from it.
anyways...iv been having this idea, in the antweight (0g-150g) comunity (robotwars101.org) there are many peoplewho attend uni/live on their own, so they cant get sombody to drive the other robots/only have one robot so they have to make do with coke cans and cant test on "live" targets, so iv been thinking,how about i make a "sparing partner" it would need to be around the 150g mark and be able to drive itself (autonimos, sp?)
iv been looking into the $50 robot but im a bit confused on the electronics, can anybody give me a parts list? (all the stuff i can see is in the u.s) im willing to spend about £75 per bot (im planning to make a few ansell them on) oh yes, and im experianced with rc stuff/modding servos

for the armor/ shell im thinking polycarbinate or hdpe

how does that sound?
il keep youguys updated
