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    Found a neat material useful to making robots? Know how to work it?
    Let me know!

    Remember to always opt for the lightest materials possible. Also, soft materials such as plastics are much easier to work with and machine than metals.

    Aluminum Aluminum
    A material of choice, basic and light weight, yet a strong robot building material.
    Balsa Wood Balsa Wood
    Extremely light weight for flying robots and easy to work with.
    Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber
    Extremely light weight and strong for tiny battlebots and flying robots. Has potential safety hazards, but has a very high strength to weight ratio.
    By far the best material for a robot chassis, this light weight plastic is cheaper than aluminum and very easy to machine.
    Styrofoam Styrofoam
    An often overlooked material, this material is light weight, easy to shape, and extremely cheap.
    Vacuum Forming Basics Vacuum Forming Basics
    Understand how you can mold polystyrene sheets into ANY light weight shape desired.
    Velcro, Tape, and Epoxies Velcro, Tape, and Epoxies
    These important materials often get a bad rep. Learn how they can be very useful, and in a professional reliable way.
    Quick material references: (external sites)
    Quick Materials Lookup Chart
    MatWeb Complete Material Reference
    Omnexus plastic material search database

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