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Robot Sensor Interpretation
There are only 3 steps you need to follow: The first step is incredibly simple, just somewhat time consuming. Graphing just takes minutes. And generating the line equation is usually just a few clicks of your mouse.
Gather Sensor Data
First is non-continuity. Some sensors (such as sonar and Sharp IR) do not work properly at very close range. Stupid physics, I know. The next is non-linearity. For example, your sensor readings may be 10, 20, and 30. But the distance might be 12cm, 50cm, and 1000cm. You will have to watch for these curves. Usually however they occur only near the minimum and maximum values a sensor can read. Then there is sensor noise. Five readings in the same exact situation could give you five near yet different values. Verify the amount of sensor noise you have, as some sensors can have it fairly bad. The way to get rid of noise is get a bunch of readings, then only keep the average. Make sure you test for noise in the actual environment your robot will be in. Obvious, but some desktop robot builders forget. The last issue you will have is the number of data points to record. For perfectly linear sensors you only need to record the two extremes, and draw a line between them. However since this is almost always not the case, you should record more. You should always record more points the more non-linear your sensor is. If your sensor is non-linear only at certain cases, record extra points just in those cases of concern. And obviously, the more points you have recorded, the more accurate you can get your sensor representation. However do you really need 10,000 points for a photoresistor? Its a balance.
Graph Sensor Data
1) First scroll with your mouse and highlight the cells with data in the first column.
There are some possible graphs you may see with your sensors:
This above graph is of a linear sensor. There is a straight line, so a simple 10th grade y=x*c+d equation can predict distance given a data value.
This above graph is non-continuous and non-linear. You will see crazy stuff happen at the beginning and end of the graph. This is because the sensor cannot read at very close distances or very far distances. But it is simpler than it looks. Crop off the crazy stuff, and you will get a very simple non-linear x=y^2 line. You basically need to make sure that your sensors do not encounter those situations, as a program would not be able to distinguish them from a normal situation.
Although this above graph looks simple, it can be a little tricky. You actually have two different lines with two different equations. The first half is an x=y^2 equation and the second half is a linear equation. You must do a case based program to determine which equation to use for interpreting data. Or if you do not care about accuracy too much, you can approximate both cases as a single linear equation.
Generate Line Equation
1) If there is no non-continuities (kinks in the graph),
right click the line in the graph, and click 'Add Trendline..." If you
do have a non-continuity, seperate the non-continuous lines and make two graphs. That way each can be interpreted
individually. If you do not care about error, or the error will be small, one graph is fine.
Load Cell Linearity Graph Example |
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